In June 2024, a century-old banyan tree, a beloved landmark on Sarat Bose Road, toppled unexpectedly, prompting immediate action from the Uddipani Club in Park Circus. Recognizing the tree’s historical significance and ecological importance, the club organized a remarkable initiative to transplant the banyan on the same day to Park Circus Maidan. With care and dedication, volunteers worked tirelessly to give this majestic tree a second chance at life. The transplantation not only preserved the tree but also infused new spirit into the community, which had long cherished its presence. In a heartfelt gesture, the Uddipani Club adopted the banyan as their khuti for the 2024 Durga Puja, symbolizing renewal and resilience. This initiative not only highlights the club’s commitment to environmental sustainability but also reinforces the bond between nature and culture in the vibrant tapestry of Park Circus. The banyan tree, now thriving in its new home, stands as a testament to the community’s love for nature and their dedication to preserving its heritage for future generations.