Last year, the Uddipani Club in Park Circus organized a vibrant tree plantation drive on the auspicious day of KhuntiPujo. This initiative aimed not only to celebrate the festive spirit but also to promote environmental awareness within the community. Volunteers, including club members, and local residents, gathered at the designated park area, armed with saplings of native trees and flowering plants. The event commenced with a brief opening ceremony, where participants shared the significance of trees in our ecosystem and the importance of nurturing the environment. As the day progressed, laughter and excitement filled the air as families worked together to plant trees, painting a picture of unity and commitment towards a greener future. The drive not only beautified the locality but also fostered a sense of community responsibility, inspiring everyone to engage in sustainable practices. By the end of the day, the park was transformed, and the Uddipani Club left a lasting legacy of green that resonated with the spirit of KhuntiPujo, blending tradition with ecological stewardship.